
China is a fascinating country with fascinating people. China also is not the rising economical giant that makes many fear the growth of power. China looks back onto thousands of years of continuous history and has preserved a deep cultural heritage, the influence of which is everywhere in China and makes also the modern things in today's China go the way it goes. China cannot be reduced to one aspect or another, neither to political nor economical only. If you do not understand the Chinese culture, you will not understand Chinese thinking nor understand Chinese development or behavior in this global world. Chinese culture is often unknown or even undervalued in the western world.

  • Akrobat dances on toes on the shoulder of another acrobat


    xhsConsulting Ltd cooperates with partners and supports them in the operation of projects of cultural exchange between China and Germany. At this very moment, a tour of the Great Chinese New Year Concert 2013 runs in Germany, Switzerland and the Tchech Republic.

    In former projects, there were three tours of Tchaikowsky's "Swan Lake" in Europe, a similar tour of the "Nutcracker" is in preparation. These are a new artistic format called "Acrobatic Ballet", which was developed in China to a top performance.

    Beside these, Beijing Operas and other Chinese opera formats were presented in Europe.

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  • Peking Opera

    Your engagement

    If you plan an event yourself, in which you would like to have a Chinese attraction, we can help you to organize this. We advise you, too, what kind of attraction is best for your purposes. We have the best possibilities, together with our partners, to give face to your imaginations, even on short term notice. This way you impress customers, staff and suppliers.

    Furthermore, you have the opportunity to participate in existing projects by a sponsorship. Also in this subject we like to advise you in order to find out, how you can benefit from such cooperation.

    Write your ideas to us, we come back to you with a proposal.

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